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- Print Provider
- Print Queue Deployment
- Print Queues
- Releasing Print Jobs
- Reporting
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- Integrated Scanning
- Scripting and APIs
- Security and Privacy
- Site Servers
- Testing PaperCut
- Upgrading or Downgrading
- User Client
- User Interface
- User Management
- Watermarks and Signatures
- Web Print
Reference Articles
Last updated January 28, 2025
- Overview
- Administration
- Architecture
- Authentication
- Charging and Billing
- Databases
- Devices
- Email to Print
- Find Me Printing
- Grows
- Installing, Uninstalling and Migrating
- Integrations
- Languages
- Legacy Articles
- Logs
- Mobility Print
- Monitoring
- Notifications
- Novell
- Print Archiving
- Print Jobs
- Print Provider
- Print Queue Deployment
- Print Queues
- Releasing Print Jobs
- Reporting
- SalesAndLicensing
- Integrated Scanning
- Scripting and APIs
- Security and Privacy
- Site Servers
- Testing PaperCut
- Upgrading or Downgrading
- User Client
- User Interface
- User Management
- Watermarks and Signatures
- Web Print
Tip: if you arrived here through a Google search, and you’re looking for something in particular, try using the Search box (at the top right corner) to search content across our website - including manual pages, product pages and the knowledgebase!
- Firewall Ports used by NG & MF
- I’m new to PaperCut Administration - what do I need to know?
- Keeping a healthy system
- Top 10 best practices for implementing Print Quotas in education
- UnicodeCharacters
- An Example Scenario for Web Print Scaling
- Best Practices for Private Cloud Hosting
- Common Questions about External Databases
- Do I need a dedicated print server?
- Does PaperCut work on a Virtual Machine (VM) or Virtual Server?
- High Availability
- How does PaperCut Work? A behind the scenes look!
- PaperCut and Citrix
- PaperCut MF Solution Brief
- PaperCut Server Sizing Guide
- Running PaperCut On An External Database
- Special considerations on Terminal Server / Citrix / VDI for the PaperCut User Client
- What kind of load will PaperCut put on my directory server?
- When should I run PaperCut on an External Database?
- Wide Area Networks (WAN) Considerations
Charging and Billing
- Comparing Device Meters Counts to PaperCut NG/MF Logs
- Does PaperCut have least-cost routing?
- Does PaperCut support sales tax?
- Explanation of point-of-charging, canceled jobs, and automatic refunds
- Print Quotas
- What is a Shared Account?
- What is the difference between PayPal Payflow Link and PayPal Standard?
- What is the difference between user and shared accounts ?
- Why currency / unit based print accounting is better than counting pages
- Common Questions about External Databases
- Database Connection Counts (Advanced Topic)
- Database Schema Diagrams
- Example SQL Queries (when running on an external database)
- Running PaperCut On An External Database
- Scripts to fetch information from PaperCut
- What external database should I use?
- When should I run PaperCut on an External Database?
- Encryption Between Server And Embedded/On-Board Applications
- External Device Test Cases
- Network Card Reader Technical Overview
- Support for BioStore Biometric Hardware
- Support for Live Register Biometric Hardware
- Support for Nationwide Retail Systems (NRS) Biometric Hardware
Email to Print
Find Me Printing
Installing, Uninstalling and Migrating
- Best Practices for Private Cloud Hosting
- Differences in PaperCut MF/NG installations
- Does PaperCut work on a Virtual Machine (VM) or Virtual Server?
- Firewall Ports used by NG & MF
- Getting Started Guides for IT and network managers
- Implementing PaperCut in a school environment
- Mobility Print Deployment Options
- Mobility Print DNS Record Examples
- Special considerations on Terminal Server / Citrix / VDI for the PaperCut User Client
- Why can’t I download PaperCut MF from the website?
- API Certification (for selected APIs)
- Getting started with Scan to Fax
- What is the difference between PayPal Payflow Link and PayPal Standard?
Legacy Articles
Mobility Print
- Mobility Print Deployment Options
- Mobility Print DNS Record Examples
- PaperCut Chrome App replacement
Print Archiving
Print Jobs
- How Does Hardware Page Count Affect Printing Speed?
- Watermarking and Burst / Separator Pages - Showing print job information on prints
Print Provider
Print Queue Deployment
Print Queues
- Branch Office Direct Printing
- Branch Office Direct Printing Considerations
- Explanation of printing only after last page has spooled
- How Does Hardware Page Count Affect Printing Speed?
- How often does the Toner Level update?
- HP JetDirect Socket - setting up print management
- Is Cross-Server Redirection Possible Without Local Administrator Rights?
- Is PaperCut compatible with SNMPv3?
- Notifications for Printers in Error
- Only one job available for release *
- Printers supporting page-level color detection
- Supported Print Drivers for NG and MF
- Tips for Managing Printers and Reducing Printing Costs
Releasing Print Jobs
Integrated Scanning
- Auto Paper Size & Auto Color for Integrated Scanning
- Getting started with Scan to Fax
- PaperCut MF Cloud Services - Release History
Scripting and APIs
- API Certification (for selected APIs)
- API Compatibility
- Automatically route jobs to other printers
- Batch User Import/Update Example .tsv files
- Does PaperCut have least-cost routing?
- External Device Test Cases
- External System and Integration APIs
- Fast Release Card Reader Terminal Network Protocol
- Network Card Reader Technical Overview
- Scripts to fetch information from PaperCut
Security and Privacy
- Encryption Between Server And Embedded/On-Board Applications
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- Google Cloud Print, PaperCut and your data
- PaperCut Security Whitepaper
- PCI Compliance for PaperCut MF/NG
- Tell me about PaperCut’s security
Site Servers
Testing PaperCut
Upgrading or Downgrading
- Download past/old PaperCut NG versions
- End-of-life for 32-bit Operating Systems
- PaperCut Post Upgrade Test Plan
- Support End-of-life Policy
User Client
- Identity Vs Authentication Popup for PaperCut Client
- PaperCut and JAWS
- User Client Popups and the Windows IPP service
- What are all these .uc files in my temp or home directory?
User Interface
User Management
- Active Directory username length limitation
- Batch User Import/Update Example .tsv files
- Restricted vs Unrestricted users
- What are the implications of users belonging to multiple groups?
- What is the difference between user and shared accounts ?
Watermarks and Signatures
- Supported Languages for Watermarking
- Watermarking and Burst / Separator Pages - Showing print job information on prints