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Example SQL Queries (when running on an external database)


When running PaperCut on one of the supported external databases SQL queries may be run to find specific data or produce reports beyond the many standard reports available. Below is a collection of SQL select statements that may assist when writing a custom query.

Note: You can find a detailed run-through of building custom reports with Crystal Reports as an example. Additionally you can refer to the repository of the SQL queries used in the PaperCut reports as starting points for your customized queries.

There is also more information about the structure of the database in this link detailing the Database Schema being used.

Any Supported External Database (standard SQL)

Extended print log details, one line per job.

SELECT u.user_id, u.user_name, u.full_name AS user_full_name, p.server_name AS printer_server_name, p.printer_name, p.display_name AS printer_display_name, p.location AS printer_location, pul.printer_usage_log_id, pul.usage_date, pul.usage_day, pul.used_by_user_id, pul.charged_to_account_id, pul.usage_cost, pul.usage_allowed, pul.printer_id, pul.job_id, pul.document_name, pul.client_machine, pul.total_pages, pul.total_sheets, pul.copies, pul.paper_size, pul.paper_height_mm, pul.paper_width_mm, pul.printer_language, pul.document_size_kb, pul.denied_reason, pul.duplex, pul.gray_scale, pul.printed, pul.cancelled, pul.refunded, pul.assoc_with_account_id, pul.total_color_pages, pul.color_pages_estimated, pul.job_type, pul.invoiced, pul.job_comment, pul.protocol, pul.original_usage_cost, pul.refund_status, pul.refund_request_id
  FROM tbl_printer_usage_log pul
  JOIN tbl_printer p ON pul.printer_id = p.printer_id
  JOIN tbl_user u ON pul.used_by_user_id = u.user_id;

Database Specific (uses specific functions)

Summary by month by department

The number of pages printed by each department each month.

Microsoft SQL Server

SELECT u.department "Department", Month(pul.usage_date) "Month", SUM(pul.usage_cost) "Cost", COUNT(pul) "Jobs", SUM(pul.total_sheets) "Sheets", SUM(pul.total_pages) "Pages", SUM(pul.total_color_pages) "Color Pages", SUM(pul.total_pages - pul.total_color_pages) "Grayscale Pages"
  FROM tbl_printer_usage_log pul
  JOIN tbl_user u ON pul.used_by_user_id = u.user_id
  GROUP BY u.department, Month(pul.usage_date)
  ORDER BY u.department, Month(pul.usage_date);


SELECT u.department "Department", date_part('month', pul.usage_date) "Month", SUM(pul.usage_cost) "Cost", COUNT(pul) "Jobs", SUM(pul.total_sheets) "Sheets", SUM(pul.total_pages) "Pages", SUM(pul.total_color_pages) "Color Pages", SUM(pul.total_pages - pul.total_color_pages) "Grayscale Pages"
  FROM tbl_printer_usage_log pul
  JOIN tbl_user u ON pul.used_by_user_id = u.user_id
  GROUP BY u.department, date_part('month', pul.usage_date)
  ORDER BY u.department, date_part('month', pul.usage_date);

Categories: Reference Articles , Databases

Keywords: custom SQL , custom reports , data access


Last updated June 13, 2024