
What is the difference between PayPal Payflow Link and PayPal Standard?


Last updated June 13, 2024


PayPal Payflow Link and PayPal Standard are both supplied by PayPal and are both supported by PaperCut for print credit management/payments. The main difference is the financial backend. PayPal Payflow Link works with real bank accounts and hence adheres to reporting standards and requirements. PayPal Standard is just tied to a “virtual account”.

Many education organisations (government funded) will require the higher standards of Pay Pal Payflow Link so to meet funds handling rules/regulations/accounting standard. Payflow Link does require additional setup and configuration along with additional costs associated with the backing merchant account. Please liaise with PayPal and/or your merchant account provider to discuss options and find out more about which offering is most appropriate for your environment.

Basic information about setting up PayPal Payflow Link is given in this section of PaperCut tour.

All PaperCut Payment Gateway options are listed here.

If you are interested in any of our other 3rd Party Integrations, view our full list here.

Categories: Reference Articles , Charging and Billing , Integrations

Keywords: payment gateway , student print credit , student print quota options , which gateway
