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PaperCut cloud-native Add-ons platform


The PaperCut cloud-native Add-on Platform (AOP) provides a set of conventions and APIs that allow third-party developers to offer services to PaperCut Hive and PaperCut Pocket customers. Note that we refer to customers as organizations (orgs) in this technical documentation.

AOP third-party solutions (solutions) are available via the Add-on button in the PaperCut Hive and PaperCut Pocket admin console. When you deploy an add-on solution it is available to all PaperCut Hive and PaperCut Pocket customers in the region which the PaperCut cloud-native Add-on Platform is deployed.

The PaperCut cloud-native Add-on Platform is deployed in the United States, Australia, United Kingdom and Europe (coming soon). Each deployment is independent of each other. Depending on the data that you collect from the customer to provide your service, you may need to deploy multiple instances of your solution, each in one PaperCut cloud-native AOP region, to comply with the local data sovereignty law in that region.

Add-on Button in Admin interface

This API documentation provides an overview of how to implement a third-party solution. It should be read by project managers and developers.

In addition to this documentation, we provide links to example implementations for you to review on GitLab.

Getting Help

PaperCut Software provides technical announcements of API changes and issues on a Google Group email/web forum. You can subscribe at:

You can also use this forum for technical API discussions and related questions.

If you want to contact PaperCut directly, please email to create a support ticket.

System Overview

A third-party add on solution needs to provide two distinct components:

  • A manager component that interacts with the customer’s administrators. This component provides add/remove/manage features for the add-on.
  • A solution component that provides the add-on functionally and delivers the final content in some form to the customer.

High-level system components

Note: A single management component can provide services to multiple solutions

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