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Disconnect (remove) requests

Customers (organizations) always have an option to select Remove when they click the manage side panel displayed in the iframe.

Disconnect Request Selected

When the user clicks Remove, the AOP will call the “remove” URL endpoint you provided to PaperCut (see getting started) together with the following information:

  • A token that you can use to authenticate the incoming user via the verify-token API
  • A unique identifier for the incoming customer
  • A short identifier for the product the incoming customer is using (PaperCut Hive or PaperCut Pocket)
  • A display label for the product the incoming customer is using (PaperCut Hive or PaperCut Pocket)

The URL might look something like this (but it’s the URL supplied by you and is totally under your control)

When the remove URL described above is called, your solution MUST process the disconnection in accordance with the agreements made with the customer.

Sequence of removing an Add-on


  • After your solution has completed the disconnection processing, you must return HTTP status 200 to the AOP to signal success.
  • If the disconnection process fails, the AOP sends an email to the org admin suggesting a failure might have occurred and the customer should contact you directly to ensure that the disconnection was successful. In any case the AOP will not longer provide API access for the organization’s data.