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Connect requests

The first time a customer grants your solution access to their data, the AOP will call the URL endpoint you provided us (when you were getting started) together with the following information:

  • A token that you can use to authenticate the incoming user via the verify-token API
  • A unique identifier for the incoming customer
  • A short identifier for the product the incoming customer is using (PaperCut Hive or PaperCut Pocket)
  • A display label for the product the incoming customer is using (PaperCut Hive or PaperCut Pocket)

(Details below)

This is the customer sign up process:0 Add solution

Here is a video demonstration of the PaperCut Hive administrator workflow

Example code

We provide an example implementation for you to review. Note that this code is not production-ready and is provided only for learning purposes.


  • We recommend you add information to your connection URL that identifies your add-on solution. Your web app can then support multiple solutions in the future. For example:<token>&orgId=<customer org ID>&product=<shortName&productName=<long Name&addonId=<add-on ID>

    In this example user-mgr identifies this add-on as your user management solution.

    The AOP supplies additional information in the form of query parameters, where:

    • token is the PaperCut supplied token for this API call. It should be validated with the verify-token API

    • orgId is the identity of the requesting customer

    • product is the short name of the PaperCut cloud native product (that is, PaperCut Hive or PaperCut Pocket)

    • productName is a string to display the product name to the customer.

    • Note: Avoid using your own hard coded query parameters because they might create a namespace clash in the future.

  • Make sure the URL you submit in your developer application form contains the correct connection information recognized by your solution.