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Publishing your solution in the AOP showroom

After you’ve completed and tested your solution in your development environment, you’re ready for it to be published in the AOP showroom.

However, before PaperCut can accept and publish your solution, we need to test and review it for the following:

  • Functionality

  • Security and data protection considerations

  • Commercial and marketing alignment

Solution acceptance process

  1. As you work on your solution, make sure you stay in contact with PaperCut and seek regular technical feedback for answers to your implementation questions.

  2. Review the checklists below and make sure you understand all the requirements. If you are not sure, ask.

  3. Keep PaperCut updated on your project’s progress and proposed release schedule.

  4. Towards the end of your development project, gather as much of the requested material (see the checklists below) as possible and send it to Please provide some suggested times when we can book a one-hour meeting with you.

  5. During the meeting we’ll discuss the next steps. They will vary on a case-by-case basis.

    Note: We’ll also provide you with a test plan that you’ll need to complete.

  6. After your solution is accepted and approved, we’ll make your add-on publicly available to relevant PaperCut Hive and PaperCut Pocket customers.

Solution acceptance checklist

Please provide the following:

  • Confirmation of your solution’s value proposition. Why would PaperCut Hive or PaperCut Pocket customers want to use your solution? What problems does it solve?

  • Confirmation that PaperCut can use your solution for testing.

  • A copy of your customer documentation for review (for example, user guide, support processes, online help files, or administrative setup procedures).

  • Screenshots or a video showing the customer experience when using your solution.


    • As well as your solution user interfaces, you should also show the customer signup and management iframe content.

    • We might ask to use this material for promotional purposes but will not use it without your agreement.

  • Confirmation that your solution re-uses API tokens correctly. For example, it does not request a new API token on every API call to AOP.

  • Note: We might ask you to provide a complete solution demonstration to the PaperCut developer relations team.

Security and data protection checklist

Please provide a technical overview of your solution that documents the following:

  • An overview of the solution architecture (what components make up the solution, where they are located, and how they communicate).

  • Network boundaries, protocols and authentication, and authorization options.

    Note: A diagram would be most appreciated :)

  • Which API calls are used.

  • What triggers the API calls (timer? What value; customer initiated event, …).

Explain briefly how you manage the customer’s data:

  • Where is the data stored?

  • How is the data secured or encrypted at rest and in transit?

  • How you will respond to a customer request to report or remove specific user data?

  • What happens to customer data you hold when the customer removes your solution?

  • How is access to PaperCut customer data authenticated? (How is access to the data limited to authorized users in the customer’s organization?)

  • If appropriate, are you able to audit access to the customer’s data (who has accessed the data, which data did they access, when, and from where)?

Commercial and marketing alignment checklist

Please provide the following:

  • All the information requested in the solution application form.

  • A clear support path for customers to get answers to questions and discuss problems.

  • A clear explanation to the customer of the support process.

  • Final copies of your customer terms and your privacy policy for review and comment.

  • Whether you plan to offer free trials.

  • Which of the following pricing models do you want to follow (select only one) and what are the amounts in US$

Pricing Model US$ cost
Zero cost N/A
Flat annual subscription
Annual subscription based on number of devices